Shadow Work® Weekend

An experiential Shadow Work retreat!

June 21-23, 2024


  • $1,150: Full Retreat Experience (Includes all sessions, food, and lodging)

  • $950: Day Pass (Includes all sessions and food, no lodging)

    *Please let us know if this is cost-prohibitive, and we’ll see what can be worked out.

    $150 discount if paid in full by May 1st

This workshop is limited to 10 participants. Payment of a $150 non-refundable deposit and a conversation with one of the facilitators is required to start the registration process.


Embark on a transformative journey unlike any other. Seriously. Our Shadow Work Retreat, at a beautiful location just 40 minutes west of Baltimore, MD, offers you a unique opportunity to explore the depths of your being in a way that books, journals, or solitary meditation cannot compare. We hope you’ll join us in uncovering the parts of yourself that have been waiting to be acknowledged, understood, and integrated.



Shadow Work?

The concept of working with Shadow as a personal growth modality has recently become more mainstream and essential for emotional healing. But what exactly is it, and why should you give it a go?

In a nutshell, working with our shadows is the pathway to reconnecting with facets of ourselves that we've intentionally or unintentionally hidden away, repressed, disowned, can’t see, or denied – what we've put "in shadow."

Consider these everyday examples:

Perhaps you experienced anger as dangerous or risky, so you repressed expressing anger to avoid causing harm. But as an adult, you find it hard to set boundaries or take assertive action. Wouldn't it be great to access that energy when needed?

What about past anger that seems to be stuck inside of you despite years having gone by? How good would it feel to move through that and let it go?

Maybe you deemed sadness or vulnerability as weak, so you denied experiencing those in favor of more manageable emotions. Now, you struggle to be connected and vulnerable in relationship, even though you know it's essential.

Somewhere along the way you learned that being a people-pleaser was a way to feel worthy, but now it’s taking a toll on your health, and accepting or asking for help is barely an option.

Or perhaps you had a caregiver who couldn't handle your joy, so you buried it to maintain that connection or to fit in with the family. As an adult, you yearn to experience and express joy freely, but it feels out of reach. (Yes, even "positive" qualities like joy can slip into shadow.)

Here's the revelation: these aspects of yourself never truly go away.

What?! That’s right. They linger within you, occasionally surfacing in surprising, unexpected, and maybe even troublesome bursts of emotion. But that's the good news! Since they're still part of you, you can learn to re-access them on your own terms, enabling you to embrace the full spectrum of who you are. Plus, holding them back saps your energy – reintegrating them will invigorate your life force! Yay!

Soooo... with all of that, this workshop is for you if you'd like to:

  • Boost Your Confidence and Empower Your Voice: Embrace and harness the power of all your emotions: joy, fear, sadness, and anger, as catalysts for growth and expression.

  • Transform Challenging Situations and Relationships: Give your body an experiential "redo" so that you can shift your role in challenging situations and relationships that no longer serve you. Break free from unproductive, painful, or harmful patterns to foster healthier dynamics in your life.

  • Liberate Yourself from Stagnation: If you feel stuck in life, our workshop offers tools to help break through barriers and unlock your full potential.

  • Deepen Self-Understanding and Harness Life Force Energy: Dig into self-discovery to gain insights into your patterns and behaviors to unlock the full potential of your life force energy.

We hope you’ll join us for this immersive workshop designed to guide you through the intricate landscape of your emotions. Exploring your shadows are a unique opportunity to embark on a profound journey, carefully curated to help you reconnect to unrealized facets of your being to really live a fulfilling, authentic life.


The Power of Group Work

While personal reflection and journaling are valuable, the magic of doing shadow work in a group setting amplifies the healing process. Here's why:

  • Shared Experience: Learning from others' journeys provides insights and perspectives that enrich your own understanding and growth.

  • Collective Energy: The group's energy can support and motivate you, making it easier to delve into challenging aspects of self-exploration.

  • Guided Expertise: Our facilitators create a dynamic environment where collective activities and discussions lead to breakthroughs that solitary work often can't achieve.

  • Nervous System Co-Regulation: Engaging in group work allows for the unique benefit of co-regulating each other's nervous systems, fostering a sense of safety and belonging that accelerates healing and transformation. This mutual support can significantly enhance the ability to process and integrate emotional experiences.

If, after all of that, you still have questions or curiosities, have a look here for even more info. I’m happy you’re checking it out!

The facilitators for this event are: Paige Gardner, Judge Mattocks, Jr, and Gretchen Kainz.