• Why don’t you have a full payment link on your website?
    Shadow Work® is not for everyone. We like to talk with you before you register so there can be an informed decision as to whether this workshop is right for you. Plus, with that brief conversation, we get to start to connect with you!

  • Are food and lodging included?
    We will always provide an abundance of healthy snacks, coffee, tea, and water throughout the weekend. Depending on the event, lodging and/or meals may be included as well.

  • What is your refund policy?
    You can cancel for any reason up to 30 days prior for a refund minus the deposit and a $100 admin fee. If you cancel within 30 days of the event, no refund will be provided.

  • What time should I arrive on Friday? And what time will we end on Sunday?
    The start and end times may vary by event, but generally we like folks to plan and arrive for a start of 2pm local time. We will be finished by 5pm on Sunday. Please plan to be there for the whole time.

  • What will happen on Saturday night?
    You have Saturday night to yourself, and we suggest an early and quiet night. There is also a possibility of having a shared dinner on Saturday night.

  • How do you hold the unique perspectives & experiences of individuals from diverse backgrounds?
    We are committed to creating a space that honors and embraces the diverse perspectives and experiences of every participant’s journey of self-discovery and healing, regardless of background, race, gender, ethnicity, age, etc. Please reach out if you’d like to discuss more about this particular topic.

  • Can I just show up?
    No. Pre-registration and a call with one of the facilitators is required. This modality is not for everyone, so we want to make sure this is a good fit for you before you register.