Are these familiar?
You struggle with feeling “not good enough” or worthy.
You regularly feel shame and can’t seem to shake it.
You surprise yourself (or others) by outbursts of anger (or sadness) or you regularly feel a disproportionate amount of anger (or sadness) in response to a seemingly benign stimulus.
You have irrational beliefs about yourself (or others) that just keep looping in your mind because you don’t know what to do with those beliefs. Sometimes they seem out of control in your mind. You just want to “let go” of those beliefs.
You know that you “should” feel sad or mad or happy about “X”, but instead you feel “nothing”, or you feel numb. You want to be more in touch with your feelings.
You are aware that you STILL feel rage (after X# of years), and you want to let it go. You are aware that your rage is affecting your health or your loved ones.
You “vowed” to never be like [your father/mother/some “bad” person] but find yourself behaving like that person more often than you’re comfortable with.
You want to increase your [self-confidence, self-love, self-awareness…] but don’t know what else to do. You feel like you’ve tried “everything”.
You’re not very good at setting boundaries and often feel like people walk all over you.
Conversely, you have such hard boundaries that you feel disconnected from others.
You’re curious about the idea of “Shadow” and why we’d want to look at something that seems “dark” or painful.
You like to go deep into self-exploration.
Or these…?
You want to improve your communication skills (with partners, colleagues, your boss, friends, an ex who is the parent of your child, other humans…).
You have found yourself in similar conflicts/challenges/difficult interpersonal dynamics on multiple occasions, maybe even in different situations (work, home, socially). The common element is YOU.
You have gotten feedback that you’re “too” [direct, indirect, sharp, sarcastic, unclear, ineffective…]. You want to explore if that’s true and/or if there’s anything you can do differently to be more effective.
You’re in a fight with your [sister, brother, parent, friend, partner]. You love that person and want to work through the fight.
You need to tell a loved one something difficult or painful and could use some strategies on how to do that.
Learn more about Communication or Conflict Engagement Coaching