Shadow Exploration opportunities:

Jan 24-26, 2025: Shadow Work Weekend for Women (a SWWW for people with “she/her” and “they” pronouns) at Wellspring Conference Center, Maryland. Earliest Bird extended until Nov 29th!

  • At capacity. Click here to be added to the waitlist

Mar 22-30, 2025: Shadow Work Basic Facilitator Training in Edmonton, Alberta Canada

Apr 11-13, 2025: Spark of Illumination: The Art of Shadow Alchemy in Boise, ID

July 24-27, 2025: Sacred Interruption Pilgrimage at Badger Creek Ranch, CO

Connection Gateways is a non-profit foundation I have been part of building, and we are on a journey to help people connect within themselves, with each other, and with their higher powers. We also are endeavoring to both learn from and offer the tools and experiences sourced from Shadow Work® to underprivileged and historically marginalized and oppressed communities. One way we’re doing this is through monthly gatherings via Zoom (CGZG = Connection Gateways Zoom Gathering). Everyone is welcome, and I hope to see you there! (Click here to sign-up to be notified of CGZGs)

Conflict Transformation through Shadow Work®

This is a unique, by-request workshop for: individuals, teams, communities, friends, groups of people that want to learn how to get unstuck from their conflict patterns.

CLICK here to learn more